The Green Iguana Conversation Program If you hear the term “bamboo chicken” while at the San Ignacio Resort Hotel, you might think it is a...
San Ignacio – Good eats and one great guest house

We love to explore and share, so here are our San Ignacio picks for good eats and one fine guest house. When it comes to...
Butterflies, a Zoo and the Cave

If this title sounds like it belongs on the cover of a mystery novel, that’s actually pretty accurate as we had no idea what we...
Lamanai River Cruise from Orange Walk

Welcome to Belize, the land of Mayan ruins! There are many incredible ruins to visit, but Lamanai is the only one accessed by river. Well,...
Colorful BELIZE! Arrival and San Ignacio.

Belize! We are finally here. The first thing to know about Belize is – respect the signs that say “Bumps,” “Pedestrian Crossing,” “Pedestrian Lane” or...