Vacation Rental Scams Overview Vacation Rental Scams can happen to anyone. Are you a “scam survivor?” (I prefer not to call us victims!) Honestly, I...
Coral Killing Sunscreen – What You Must Know Now!

Introduction – What is Coral Killing Sunscreen? Is Coral killing sunscreen an exaggeration? Not at all! Sunscreens that contain certain chemicals are known to injure...
Why we laugh when reading articles about free traveling pet sitters.

These are two beautiful cats we care for as traveling pet sitters during a hurricane!
Your Ultimate Guide To An Epic Kauai Vacation.

Kauai – all you need to know for a perfect Kauai vacation. Located in the middle of the Pacific, Kauai is one of the most...
Ultimate Guide to the Cabins in Koke’e – 2023.

Welcome to the Cabins in Koke’e A-h-h-h-h….the Cabins in Koke’e. If you have not experienced the splendor of Waimea Canyon and Koke’e, put it on...
A day trip to Glastonbury, no car needed. Updated 7/2023

Why a day trip to Glastonbury? The idea for a day trip to Glastonbury starts with an off-hand comment by our friend. “Have you been...