Our Pet sitting travels
Pet sitting? Yes, really. House and pet sitting is what takes us around the world, often for months at a time. While it may sound like a fantasy or dream, believe me, it is NOT. Australia, Portugal, the UK, Spain, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia (twice), Africa, Mainland USA, (we live in Hawaii), Canada: these are just a few of our pet sitting adventure locations.
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Our Portugal pet sit – how and why
Our next stop is Portugal and Jack is already trying to learn Portuguese! Did we decide to go to Portugal and then search for airline fares or tours? No. Unlike most people, we don’t start travel planning with airfare searches or travel agencies. Surprisingly, our first stop is several of our favorite House and Pet Sitting Platforms. (More on this later.) Here, we browse over a period of weeks or months for our preferred time frame. In this instance, we are looking to sit over the Christmas holidays, and beyond. Since we are “sort of” retired we can travel longer. However, you can search for as short or as long of a “sit” that your schedule can handle!

Usually, we have a general idea of where we want to go. In this case, Europe is our “general” area while Portugal, along with Malta and several others, are our specific destinations. Portugal is #1 on International Living’s “Best Places to Retire in 2023.” We love this magazine and we love checking out their “best places” in person! As a result, our goal is a Portugal house sit.
Responding to a pet sit listing
As sits “pop up” we write an introductory email to the homeowners (HO). This, coupled with a mention of our profile and references, is our initial step. Our email is specific to the HO, never generic.

“Good sits” are often flooded with applications. Therefore, we are checking the new listings daily, if not more. Do we always get the sit we want? No, not always. In fact, rejection is part of the process. Sometimes, silence is all you hear from the HO. Absolutely no response whatsoever is often the case.
Nevertheless, we send our applications promptly. We know that some HO’s choose from the first few applicants, while others prefer to gather applications. Regardless, we always express our interest quickly.
Jackpot! A pet sitting assignment
Finally, a HO responds to our initial contact! We’ve been house and pet sitting internationally since 2013. Still, when we get a “bite,” excitement sets in. Next, we exchange several emails, then Skype. We pretty much know during the Skype session if we are a good fit. Never forget that a “sit” is a two-way street. Skyping gives us a chance to meet the people, see the house and get answers to questions. Finally, the HO tells us we are selected, and removes the “sit” from active listings. Then, travel planning starts. When we are selected, we always feel like we’ve hit the jackpot. It took us a few applications, but we are looking forward to caring for one 15-year-old cat and a 2.5-year-old dog in the hills of Portugal!

You can pet sit too!
You really can travel the world through house, pet and sometimes, even plant sitting. The money you save on accommodations can fund your airfare. Generally, we choose sits that are within walking distance of towns and villages. Sometimes, sits includes a car.

If money is an issue, check the currency converter. Choose a destination with a favorable exchange rate. With free lodging, and cheap groceries and food, you can have quite a nice vacation.
Think you can’t do this because you have pets and kids of your own? You certainly can! While sits that allow kids and pets are not as common, they do exist. As an alternative, you can get a pet sitter for your furry family. Parents with children are often welcome.
Details on pet sitting platforms
Are we looking forward to our Portugal trip? Yes! And to many future trips using the various Pet sitting platforms. We consistently maintain memberships in two platforms. One of these is TrustedHousesitters, which is based in the UK, As a result, many of their “sits” are in the UK. However, they are an international site, with listings throughout the world. The majority of our sits have been through this platform.

If pet sitting travel is of interest to you, click here for 25% off TrustedHousesitters annual membership. Membership ranges from $129 to $259. If you click the link, we get two months free, at no additional cost to you. It helps both of us! If you are undecided at this time, here is our discount code (RAF103037) which gives you 25% off when you are ready.
Housecarers is our other platform. Membership for this platform is currently $50 USD. If you are interested, please click here to join. We are an affiliate with Housecarers and receive compensation, at no additional cost to you. We certainly appreciate your doing this!
International Living Magazine
I have been reading International Living Magazine for well over 20 years now. It’s so much fun to read about life in many different parts of the world. “IL” explores areas in regards to retirement. They assess areas based on many factors, a few of which are climate, cost, safety, medical, etc. “IL” is often our guide when choosing our next pet sitting location. (In case our friends are wondering – No, we are not moving anytime soon!)

International Living Magazine is easy to take on your travels as it’s a handy, digital magazine!
There is so much more
We’ll be sure to tell you all about Portugal in future posts. If you want to know more about Pet and House sitting, please Subscribe in the sidebar so you don’t miss a post. We’ll be sharing details of different sites, how to apply and so much more, in future posts.
If you have a specific question, please subscribe then ask your question in the comments. We value your privacy, and will never sell or share your emails. Thank you for continuing on this journey with us. We enjoy sharing creative ways for you to create your own travel lifestyle.

Wonderful article, you guys! Thanks for the fantastic tips!
Great to hear that you enjoyed the article. Let us know how your pet sitting goes! We’d love to hear about it.